
Top 5 Items to Donate this Holiday Season

It may be hard to believe, but we are smack-dab in the heart of holiday season! As we prepare for family gatherings, presents and delicious food, it’s important that we keep in mind the real reason for the season. Sharing love and Making Impact on others is one of the most important parts of the holidays, whether you’re traveling to see friends or family, taking advantage of the time off to explore somewhere new or just getting cozy by the fireplace at home.

Every year, shelters for those in need turn to people like our Changers in all communities across the country. And with the gracious outpour of donations from our Changers, these shelters are able to receive help or aid in order to make the holidays just as special for those who are less fortunate. Learn more about how you can help your community with my top 5 items to donate this holiday season.

  1. School Supplies – With the school year reaching its halfway mark, it’s time for many of our K-12 students to replenish their school supplies. Since many schools have turned to virtual learning during the pandemic, kids have access to a limited number of tools compared to traditional in-person learning in the classroom setting. Pencils, notebooks, crayons, rulers, scissors and more are all necessary supplies that students need in order to properly learn and absorb information. Donating school supplies can even Make Impact on a larger scale by helping to encourage our students to strive towards higher education!
  1. Winter Gear – With temperatures dropping all across the country, we must bundle up for protection against the colder elements. Some of the most needed winter gear includes coats, scarfs, gloves, beanies, socks, blankets and more to share with those in need. If you’re like me and you learned how to knit during the pandemic, you can even consider creating your very own designs for an additional thoughtful touch. Then, drop them off at your local shelter to help those who are in need stay warm this winter.
  1. Toys – During the holiday season, nonprofits often coordinate initiatives that allow Changers to Make Impact on the lives of less fortunate children by purchasing a gift on the child’s wish list. However, toy donations of any kind are always appreciated — especially during the holiday season. Donating toys that can be used as presents will not only warm the hearts of others, but you’ll also find that there are scientifically proven studies that show the positive effects that Making Impact has on you as the giver, too. Learn more here.
  1. Personal Hygiene Products – Because toiletries are needed every day throughout the year, donating personal hygiene items holds just as much importance as other donations. Last winter, one of my friends decided to create personal hygiene kits that inspired me to do the same for those in need! A kit filled with items such as deodorant, dental products, tissues, shaving necessities and more are sure to Make Impact during the holiday season and beyond.
  1. Your Time – Though material donations are always greatly appreciated, one thing you can donate without any additional cost is your personal time. Volunteering at your local shelter can remind you and others that the holidays are about spreading love and compassion to others, especially those in need. If you’re unable to volunteer at a local shelter due to social distancing restrictions, you could even take the time to cook a warm meal for someone and drop it off with contactless delivery. 

Wherever you are holding down the fort this holiday season, there are always people and organizations in need of Changers like you to Make Lasting Impact on those in need.

What are some things you plan to donate this holiday season? Share with us in the comments below, then read our blog for more ways you can Make Impact during the holidays and beyond.

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